Carcass Quality Grading - Scoring
The following sources and people are cited in the development of the scoring procedure:
  • Texas State Meats CDE rules at
  • National Meats CDE rules at
  • USDA quality grading standards
  • Davey Griffin, Texas A&M University
  • Randy Hines, Tarleton State University
  • Bobby Rosenbusch, CDE Committee Chair, Florence FFA

Scores for quality grading shall be determined according to the following guidelines:
  • 10 points are awarded for correct identification of quality grade
  • 9, 7, and 4 points are awarded for certain almost-correct responses
  • 0 points are awarded if the contestant's response is invalid for the Maturity of the carcass.
  • For scoring, the judge must specify the Maturity of each carcass (B or Other).

USDA Quality Grading

Point Allocation for A, C, D, and E Maturity Carcasses

Point Allocation for B Maturity Carcasses

AWS100: Friday, April 19, 2024