Sharyland FFA
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FFA Jacket Order Forms

Official FFA Jacket

As FFA members, we have the opportunity to impact many people who may or may not be familiar with the organization: Community residents, businessmen and women, FFA sponsors, guests, parents, etc.

Therefore, first impressions are crucial, and that involves the way we dress. ALL FFA members are required to wear official dress while participating in official activities

Female Official Dress

    • Black skirt.
      Skirt is to be at least knee length, hemmed evenly across the bottom, with a slit no longer than 2 inches above the knee, excluding the kick pleat. Black slacks may be appropriate for traveling and outdoor activities.
    • White collared blouse and official FFA blue scarf.
    • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe (No boots, sandals, open-toed shoes, or tennis shoes.)
    • Black nylon hosiery.
    • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top.

Male Official Dress

    • Black dress pants. (No jeans - blue or black, leather, pleather, etc.)
    • White dress shirt and official FFA tie
    • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe. (No boots, sandals, open-toed shoes, tennis shoes. )
    • Black socks.
    • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top.

How to Wear Awards

    • Chapter degree, officer and award medals should be worn beneath the name on the right side of the jacket.
    • State FFA Degree or American Degree keys should be worn above the name on the right side of the jacket or attached to a standard key chain.
    • No more than three medals should be worn on the jacket. These should represent highest degree earned, highest office held and the highest award earned.

Sharyland FFA Jacket Orders

  Our first jacket order will be sent out the week of Sept. 27, 2017.  Students interested in purchasing a jacket should download the attached order form and return it to the Ag. Department by 9/27/17.


Jacket Order Form 2017-18 Sidney Lee 9/25/2017 23 KB



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